Minggu, 08 Juni 2014

Hi! My life have been crazy right now, school, family ect. I wanna write about my high school lfe, so here it goes

It's been two months I become a high schooler, and it felt so wierd everyone seem so grown up and OLD! There some reason I hate go to school, and they are:
1. thing that make me frustrated is I go to all smart kid school! What the heck! You know all, my brain capacity is just average i'm not smart at all! And it shocking me because when i test there i got accepted and i saw my score it's 8,blabla! I'm totally not happy with the news i got accepeted there! You know the feeling when you in the middle of crowded room with people have the thing you wish you had, that was exactly what i felt righ t now
Second my brother go to that school either! So every senior know me as Ahmad's little sister! I'm nt happy! I can't be acknowledge by my own thing! People just know you as the sister of school joker I wish my parents read my blog!
3.I don't know anybody at all, well some of my middle school in there but i'm not close to them they have they own friends! So i have to ,ake a new one. Well i got some friends but i will only write down people who i always hang out with, theres Alfiyah she wear glassess she silent but jice, Azizah she just like me like to laugh and talk about nonesense, Shinta big manga anime fan she smart, sit next to me, and the thing i really like her, she always happy and explain the lesson if don't understand it, Ani she nice but like to do some kind of prank, Jesicca she amart, at first i thought she was snoby but actually she nice, and theres julliete she smart and funny
4. I can't wear my favorite sneakersto school, it's so frustrating me! And now my lucky sneakers gone i don't know where i put it
5.i miss my besties, there's no random talk, no eating during class, no laughing at nonesense, no gossips, and no FUN!!!
6. Wake up at 4.30 am go to school at six o'clock, be there at school 6.40! I was never ON TIME, thers never any history i would go to school on time! I even got into the "always late" list at my old school!
7. I never understand how things in cantten work! I only buy a drink go head to class, no other thing! Suck
8. I've been go that school for two monts, and I never ever ever study history! I only study sosiologi twice in two monyhs, and next month is mid exam
9. Rolling! I mean what the heck rolling every semester! Heck no i don't know these people, and when we started to socialte you have to said good bye to people you said your friends there! I'm so jot in the mood go to school there

Dad i really want to say thos if you really like the school why don't ypu study there! Not me it's useless when you do something you really don't want to do! That's all peace out man!

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